If you need to save your money for bills, then this laundry tip will help keep the costs of laundry to a minimum. It's a really simple and cheap tip if you happen to be out of laundry detergent during ...
In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn about Phantom Insecticide for bed bug control. You cannot buy this pesticide over the counter. You will need a license to purchase this. It is very ...
A Pack Tite Unit is used to treat items that may be infested with bed bugs. It can be used to treat suitcases and other items that can't be easily washed in hot water. Be careful not to allow any ite ...
The Climbup Insect Interceptor is a new monitor for the use of detecting bed bugs. This is a new monitor. It's a passive monitor. You can place the monitors underneath one of the legs of a sofa or ...
You can use a vacuum to help with bed bug management and control. Some bed bugs are tolerant and resistant to pesticides. So, spraying alone may not be a solution for you. In this case, a vacuum is a ...
Bed bug management requires many levels of attack. Prevention is very important. You should never pick up discarded items on the street. Don't buy used or refurbished mattresses or furniture. Toss ...
In this video, we learn how to protect yourself and your mattress from bed bugs. These bugs live in your bed and hide anywhere in your home and even hotels. To see if you have them, you will see blood ...
Boric Acid is often used to treat or eradicate bedbugs. However, it doesn't work particularly well. It has to be ingested to kill them, but they don't necessarily consume it. There would need to be a ...
In this video, we learn how to get rid of bed bugs using a steam cleaner. First, you will need to purchase a simple steam cleaner, which will produce steam that is hot enough to kill bed bugs. Now, t ...
Diatomaceous Earth may be useful for killing bugs in walls. Light sockets and phone jacks provide a highway for bugs to travel from one infested room to another or one infested apartment or another. ...