Tired of a messy home that you just can't seem to function in? Having company join you for a few weeks who are very picky about cleanliness? Here is a guide that will help you get your home squeaky clean.
Living Room
Get a trash bag and gather all the trash in the room.
Take everything off any furniture and place everything in
One place where it will soon be put away.
Pick up any clothes, books toys, etc.. and put them away.
Dust and wipe surface with a wet sponge.
Put everything you gathered in their places where they
Buy some nice colorful flowers and set them on a a table
Where they are noticeable.
Wash windows, TV, and framed glass (as on paintings or
Photographs) with glass cleaner (or a simply vinegar dilution).
Spray your favorite air freshener very lightly to freshen
The room.
Throw all trash in a trash bag
Recycle anything that can be recycled. #Empty the trash can and take everything out to the trash bins. Before you place a clean bag in the trash can look inside to see if it needs cleaning.
Inside the garbage can if there any lingering smells
Consider filling an old sock with baking soda, tying it off and dropping it in the bottom.
Wipe down the counter tops.
Fill the dishwasher up and wash so when you are done with
The kitchen you can complete it with cabinets full of nice clean kitchen supplies.
Mop the floors and wash any windows in the kitchen
Wipe tables or any furniture in the kitchen.
Wash stove tops, microwaves, splash panels, and anywhere
Else that can accumulate kitchen splatter or grease.
Gather all the laundry in the bathroom and make a pile by
The wash and dryer for any clothing throughout the house.
Throw out or put away anything that is out, like a brush,
Comb or makeup.
Wash any rugs or mats you have in the wash
Scour the sinks and scrub the toilet bowl until it sparkles. Scrub the tub and shower as well.
Hang up some fresh towels on the towel bars, and hand
Towels on the sink for guests to use.
Clean the windows and mirrors
Spray a scent of air freshener for the finishing touch.
Throw out any trash hanging around
Hang up clothes that are are on the chairs or the bed. Gather up any dirty clothes and put them into the laundry
Tidy up the desk top and put away any papers or books that
Are out. Look around to see if there are shoes on the floor that should be in the closet
Change the sheets and make the bed
Vacuum the floor and dust the furniture. Clean a mirror if there is one on the dresser. Wipe down any thing that remains on the dresser for show. Spray a bit of scent.
Remove any stray items that have accumulated in hallways
And put them away.
Vacuum hallways thoroughly.
Clean any glass, mirrors, or windows with a glass cleaner
(such a vinegar and water)
- Use Windex to clean any surfaces. It eliminated smells, stains, and more germs.
Endust works well on wood surfaces. Also, move any pieces of furniture so that cleaning can be done under, or around it.
Consider if your guests have allergies. Fragrance sprays, air fresheners, and even potpourri can cause severe reactions. Opening windows for a few hours if the weather permits will freshen a room as well, and won't develop the "stale fragrance" aroma the next day. When washing, never mix bleach and ammonia (or share sponges between the two).
Things You'll Need
- Trash bag(s)
- Windex
- Air freshener
- Vacuum
- Paper towels
- Toilet cleaner
- Sponge/Cloth
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