Don't buy a complete system. It's much cheaper to spend a little time getting the individual components together. Here's what you'll need, along with some rough prices.See what can be saved compared to the £900 or so you'll pay for a complete system.
Make a list of the individual components you will need.
Search the internet for suppliers.
Buy individual components.
Remove the spray gun from the backpack sprayer and replace with a suitable hoselock connector.
Simply sit the backpack sprayer on the trolley , no need to secure it, fill with purified water,a ttach your water fed pole and you're ready to go at a substantially reduced price.
- Buy your backpack sprayer and your water fed pole new.
- If you want you can use second hand items for everything else.
- Auction type websites are a good source for the other items.
- If you live in a water-deprived area, you will need a reverse osmosis water purifier.
Things You'll Need
- Battery operated backpack sprayer.
- Trolley.
- Water-fed pole.
- De-ionisation resin container.
- Water containers.
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