In this tutorial, we learn how to clean and repair gutters with Mike Kraft. Damaged gutters can mean leaking roofs with water dripping everywhere. To fix this, you will need: buckets, a shovel, gutter ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to deal with bed bugs in college. There is no treatment for bed bugs, you just have to get rid of where they are living. If you suspect they are in sheets, blankets or c ...
Tennis balls aren't just for playing tennis, so when you are getting ready to trash those tennis balls… DON'T. There are many different uses you can find for them, from donating them to fluffing up la ...
Aluminum isn't one of the prettiest of metals, but it's actually one of the easiest to keep clean, if you know what to do. If your aluminum is looking tarnished, try this quick solution to revitalizin ...
Steel wool can be used from a ton of things, like creating fire, but the main use of steel wool pads is cleaning. They're great for getting things spotless that can handle the rough abrasiveness of th ...
Moving is such a hassle! Packing is a big job but this video shows and easy way to pack out pots and pans. You will need 4-5 cubit foot cartons. You can get these from your mover or you can purchas ...
Johnathan E. Stewart shows us how to remove blood stains from fabric in this tutorial. Your first step right after blood gets on your clothes is to rinse it with warm water and pat a wash cloth with s ...
In this video, we learn how to properly pack glass for moving. Make sure you have a table or work area that has a furniture pad on it. Now, place packing paper onto the bottom of a box carton for glas ...
In this video, we learn how to keep dust to a minimum in your home. First, keep an eye on your furnace and make sure that when you are doing home repairs, it doesn't get onto your furnace. Also, make ...
If you live in an area where moss or algae is a common theme on most people's roofs, it's important that you get this removed soon. Over time, the moss can grow larger and potentially damage certain p ...