Housekeeping How-Tos

How To: Kill a cockroach kindly

In this tutorial, we learn how to kill a cockroach kindly. If you currently use insecticides to kill bugs and insects in your home, rethink it! These fumes can be toxic to your health and the health of your family. To help avoid getting cockroaches, make sure you dust and sweep often, throw away food around the house, and keep it clean! If you do have these bugs, you can first pour some beer in a glass, then put bread in the glass along with some petroleum jelly. Next, you will set this on yo...

How To: Remove wrinkles from polyester

One of the great things about polyester is that it doesn't wrinkle as easily as cotton and other natural fibers. It still can though, and you can't iron it, so watch this video to learn how to get the wrinkles out of any polyester item.

How To: Get oil out of carpet and clothing

Oil gets on everything and is nearly impossible to get out again. Cooking, motor, it doesn't really matter. If you've got oil on your clothes, your carpet, or some other fabric, watch this video to learn how you can get it out with vinegar and other household products.

How To: Make an occupied bed

In this tutorial, we learn how to make an occupied bed. First, gather the supplies from the linen closet. After you have all the sheets and blankets, put gloves on and walk into the room. Now, cover the patient with a bath blanket. After this, remove the top sheets, then roll the patient to the side of the bed. Next, tuck dirty linens close to the patient and then roll clean linens under the dirty ones. Then, fix the clean sheets up and roll the patient towards you and repeat the same as you ...

How To: Get rid of fruit flies cruelty-free

In this tutorial, we learn how to get rid of fruit flies cruelty-free. First, you will need to put a sweet mixture of things that the flies like to eat inside of a cup. After this, place a cylinder piece of paper into the cup. The flies will be able to fly into the bottom of the paper to get what's inside, but most likely won't figure out how to get back out of it. After this, you can let the flies go free and you will have let them survive without killing a ton of them! This is also free of ...

How To: Get rid of mice using a mouse trap

In this tutorial, we learn how to get rid of mice using a mouse trap with Rick. You will first need to know where to place the traps. Mice like to use the sides of walls to run around and will turn when they reach dead end corners. These are great places to place the traps so you will most likely trap them. If the mice are familiar with an area, they know where to avoid, so using two traps will help you catch them. Next, place the trap perpendicular to the wall instead of parallel so they wil...

How To: Improve the air quality in your home with Lowe's

In this video, we learn how to improve the air quality in your home with Lowe's. First you need to go through your house and search to see how clean the furnace filter is. Make sure this is clean and replace it if it's dirty. Upgrade it to a high performance model if you are able to. You also need to change the filter in your vacuum and make sure it has a HEPA filter installed in it. Also, make sure you check the vents around your home and clean them out or replace them if they are dirty. Doi...

How To: Remove fruit flies from a home

In this tutorial, we learn how to remove fruit flies from a home. If you have a heavy infestation of these flies, you will need to use PT 565 aerosols. Spray the aerosol for around 15 seconds in the spot that the flies are harboring. Open up cabinets so the product can get inside through the air. Then, move to other rooms and fog these with the spray to make sure you get all areas. Leave the area for a few hours to let the spray set in, then use drain gel which will clear out the flies from t...

How To: Clean old antique and regular mirrors

If you've got a large antique mirror or maybe just a regular mirror that needs some cleaning, if you just clean it with whatever you feel like you run the risk of smudging or scratching the mirror. In this video you will learn how to properly clean the mirror without scratching or smudging it.

How To: Get fleas out of your house

Fleas carry disease and are a massive nuisance to human and animal alike. If your pet has fleas or your house has gotten infested in some other way, watch this video to learn how to get the fleas out of your house for good.

How To: Remove nasty odors out of leather

If you've been having trouble keeping your leather jacket or other leather items from smelling, it's not your fault. Once an odor gets in there it's tough to get out, especially mold and other odors. In this video you will get some tips on how to remove the odors with general cleaning products and more.

How To: Get gnats out of your house

Gnats are pretty harmless, but they're really hard to get out of your house once they're in. Watch this video to learn about a bunch of different ways you can get rid of gnats in different parts of your house with different homemade tools.

How To: Clean and polish antique brass

Brass is one of the oldest workable metals, and some have surpassed it in durability. It remains popular and beautiful, but needs regular cleaning and polishing to maintain it's shine. This video will show you everything you need to know to clean brass.

How To: Remove water spots from chrome

In this video, we learn how to remove water spots from chrome. This is one of the hardest surfaces to get water stains off of, but it can be done easily. First, grab an empty spray bottle, vinegar, water, a rag, and a paper towel. Now, mix two parts of vinegar to one part of water and spray it onto the chrome item. Use the rag to wipe off the mixture, then continue to spray on once more. Do this around five times total, then use a paper towel at the end for the finishing look! You can use thi...

How To: Save time & money at the grocery store

In this video, we learn how to save time and money at the grocery store. At holiday time, grocery shopping can be extra tough. First, make sure you bring your own reusable bags. Then, place in your soda and water in the cart first so you don't have to re-arrange. Make a list before you go to the grocery store so you don't wander around the store. Also, see if you can place your deli order ahead of time so you don't have to wait around. Have your grocery clerk group like items together so unpa...

How To: Kill bed bugs in the workplace

Bed bugs appearing in the office space is becoming more and more common. Often, someone brings a bed bug to the office on their clothes, and the bed bug roams away from the garment. These don't normally turn into reproducing infestation.

How To: Treat bed bugs with inspections & follow-up

In this video, we learn how to treat bed bugs with inspections and follow-up. First, you want to take off all your bedding and sheets, then place it into a bag. After this, you need to clean it in burning hot water to make sure the bugs are all killed. After you have removed this, you need to search the mattress to find where the rest of the bed bugs are at. Check around the headboard to see if the bugs are hiding there. Once you find these, you need to use either professional chemicals or a ...