Active Housekeeping Posts

How To: Repair Nasty Carpet Burns for a New Carpet Look

In this tutorial, we learn how to repair carpet burns. First, take some tongues and ruff up the surface to break up the burnt pieces that are inside the carpet. Next, take some Resolve and spray it onto the spot, then brush it with a handheld brush. After this, blot the area with a towel until it's nice and dry. Next, cut out a small piece of spare carpeting and then open up the area that was burnt. Cut it out with scissors, then replace this with the new carpet.

How To: Build a plastic bag dispenser

Tired of plastic shopping bags everywhere? This instructional video shows a simple, practical, project you can do at home. All you need is a pastic bottle. Tidy up your kitchen from the clutter of plastic bags by making this handy plastic bag dispenser.

How To: Unlock a zip tie

While zip ties are great tool for taming unsightly tangled cables and wires, most would agree they're not very reusable. But were you aware it's possible unlock a zip tie in a matter of a few seconds using a needle? You can and this tutorial will show you how. For step-by-step instructions on undoing zip ties, take a look. Unlock a zip tie.

How To: Use d-CON Bait Paste Pouches to kill mice

d-CON is here to help identify and remedy rodent problems in your kitchen. Watch this video tutorial on how to use d-CON Bait Paste Pouches to kill mice in the kitchen. Signs of a mouse in the kitchen include droppings, footprints, gnawing, rubmarks, unusual pet activities, strange sounds, and burrows or nests.

How To: Make gelatin air fresheners for the Trailer Park

Make your own air fresheners! With gelatin on Trailer Park crafts with Jolene! Save your money and budget too! These super simple Air Fresheners are so easy to make, and it keeps you from having to pay eight dollars or more for oil refills! By using old baby food jars, you're also recycling too! What is your favorite scent?

How To: Make homemade cleaning wipes

Learn how to make your own homemade cleaning wipes and save money with this video tutorial. You will need a roll of paper, 2-3 cups of you favorite cleaner, and a storage container with a lid, a cutting board, and a knife. Cut the paper towel role in half using only one half now. Put the half paper towel roll in the container and soak with the cleaner. Remove the cardboard from the center of the roll and the cleaning wipes will be pulled out from the center of the roll.

How To: Pack Household Goods Effectively

When the time comes to move home, the logistics of moving your belongings can easily become tiresome, tricky and even disastrous. However, with a little careful planning and foresight, the act of packing can be a simple process. The key to getting the most from your move is in efficiency, planning and care. Here, we take a look at the best ways to pack in order to ensure a safe and simple move.

How To: Remove scratches on an LCD or CD with an egg

Make the magic remover cloth shown in this how-to video which will remove all the scratches on your favorite CDs, your LCD display or just remove some scratches on plastic. You'll need egg whites of and a microfiber cloth. Don't throw away anymore CDs, DVDs, or lose important files. The trick in this video tutorial will rescue scratched CDs so you can still keep using them.

How To: Clean a Butcher Block Table

A butcher block table (or counter) is a solid, wooden table. Originating in butcher shops (hence the name), this has become a popular household item. Butcher block tables and counters are durable and attractive looking. The downside of butcher block is that the wood is so porous it can stain easily. Butcher block can be sanded and refinished to get rid of stains, but that drastic step isn't always necessary.

How To: Become a Great Thrift Store Shopper

Shopping at a thrift store can be a fun adventure, a daunting task, a way to save money, or a combination of any or all of those. There's no question that buying secondhand is almost always cheaper and buying at a thrift store undoubtedly so. But it can also be a lot of work. Here are a few simple tips to make the process a little easier.

How To: Keep socks paired and never lose a sock ever again

It happens to the best of us—missing socks. No matter how hard you try, no matter how careful you are when doing laundry, you always end up with that one sock who's lost its soulmate. And what do you usually do with that buddy-less sock? Throw it away? DON'T! This video will gives you some tips on how to keep your socks from disappearing, like A). don't throw away your sock because you might find its missing mate later, and B). roll your socks to keep you from losing one when not in the laund...

How To: Clean up white sneakers with Raven-Symone

Disney star Raven shows us how to make our sneakers white and new again using toothpaste. All you need is whitening toothpaste, an old toothbrush, and a bowl of water, and those shoes will look fresh and clean again. Watch this video housekeeping tutorial and learn how to clean up old sneakers by following along with Raven-Symone.