To prevent bed bugs from entering your suitcase, you will need to pre-treat it, with diatomaceous earth. Bed bugs often hitchhike home with you when you stay overnight in hotels or on long trips. They will normally stow away in your suitcase. To prevent that from happening, dust your suitcase with a diatomaceous earth (DE) compound. For this, you will need a paintbrush, diatomaceous earth, and a large plastic bag. Sprinkle a little onto your suitcase, and use a dry paintbrush to spread the...
Whites are the hardest color to keep looking bright and new after just a few months' time. Your sweat and oils quickly become stains, and colors from other clothes will eventually bleed into the fabric, discoloring your bright whites into something merely whitish. But before you reach for the bleach, the ultimate chemical cleaner, try some a few of these safer, less-toxic DIY solutions out instead.
Mealybugs are snowy-colored insects, soft in body. They mostly inhabit warm climates, clinging closely to plants grown indoors and outdoors. With their cotton like soft body, they inject a stylet (long sucking mouthpart) into plants to suck-up the sap from plant tissues. At base level, Mealybugs do seem harmless. However, when an infestation increases in number, the consequences include a weak plant, curling and yellowing of leaves. To elude the effects of an all out attack on plants, here are...
One of the most difficult things about owning a home is being consistent with how you organize things around the house. Some have perfected and see it as a science, others have a hard time putting things in the right place and that can lead to confusion. When you have kids, organizing your home is especially important since nobody wants a cluttered home with unsafe items laying about. This tutorial shows you how to organize your home with kids. Enjoy!
Fruit flies are attracted to fruits. This makes it quite the challenge to protect your fruits from them. As a common-placed challenge for homeowners, many have failed miserably to eradicate them from their home. Fortunately, I've cooked up five(5) practical suggestions that any homeowner can take to get rid of fruit flies.
Remove oil stains from fabric. Oil and grease stains in fabric can cause ugly marks. Fortunately, they don't need to be very difficult to get out of your clothes. Oils respond well to most soaps and can often be easily lifted if you catch them in time. First, try dabbing at the stain with some liquid laundry or dish detergent.
Ok, let's pretend that you just got back from the store with a $200.00, maybe $300.00 silk blouse. You put it on, it looks perfect. You go out on the town, everyone else loves it, you're the center of attention. Then you come home, you go to hang it up, and there is a huge stain on the back. This how to video tells you how can save that $200.00 blouse for only $1.50.
Stephanie and Julie teach us how to unclog a toilet the correct way in this video. First, remember to turn the valve off on your water that goes to your toilet. This will help prevent unwanted floods in your bathroom. You will also need a plunger, making sure to take the lip out for better suction. After you stick the plunger into the toilet, plunge rapidly around twelve times. If this doesn't work, try adding more water and plunging again for around twelve times. If it still doesn't work, you...
Your freezer is no one-trick pony. While it does excel at keeping your food fresh for as long as possible, it has a few secret talents it doesn't want you to know about. Like making soda slushies and pyro-friendly smoke mix, as well as reviving dead hard drives. Even better—it can help you do laundry.
We've all done it—you're rushing out the door when all of a sudden you notice your shirt is embarrassingly wrinkled. Sure you could break out the ironing table, wait about 100 years for your iron to heat up, then carefully go over every last inch of fabric. But you're lazy, terrible at ironing, or, if you're like me, both. So don't work harder, work smarter!
Everyone knows how fantastic olive oil is as a salad dressing. But did you know that this healthy and superbly tasting oil pressed from full-grown olives can be used in so many other ways than flavouring those greens? I will tell you 20 other uses and benefits that can be done with olive oil.
Many homeowners are searching for information about how to keep snakes out of their yard. If you have them near your home, it is usually a good sign your environment is thriving. Snake infestations are much more common in healthy ecosystems. However, no one enjoys living close to these frightening reptiles. Even though most species are harmless, homeowners want them out quickly and painlessly. That is why I am going to show you the best tips for keeping a snake out of a yard or garden.
With fragrance-filled sprays, scented candles, diffuser sticks, and other air-freshening products, the scent lasts just a few minutes and doesn't always mask what you were hoping to cover up. When it comes to the bathroom, scented toilet paper might sound like a terrible (and silly) idea, but it's best at eliminating stinky smells over a long period of time.
Do you need some help with getting rid of little black ants in your bathroom? There are many different species of ants that could be invading this sacred area. Pharaoh ants are the most common type found in bathrooms. Little black Argentine and odorous house ants can also come in from the outside and make a nest in your walls. It is usually helpful to know which species you are dealing with to formulate the proper extermination strategy. However, unless you have an entomologist on speed dial,...
In this tutorial, I am going to teach you how to kill fleas in your yard naturally. We will be using a natural remedy that is extremely effective. Unlike every other toxic product, this formula is completely safe for humans, pets and the environment. Most homeowners do not realize the potential side effects that these harsh chemicals can cause. They may work great for killing fleas in yards but they can also harm your children and animals. There are 100% natural ways to get rid of these pests...
How often do you fight with your shower doors? Maybe not literally (although my elbow has smacked the hard glass many times), but when it's time to clean the bathroom, getting a few weeks' worth of soap scum and grime off the shiny, clear surface becomes an insurmountable task. Whether you use a special cleaner and squeegee or a carefully selected wipe, chances are you still battle the streaks and grit left behind.
Did you know germs can travel pretty far? If you store your toothbrush in the bathroom like almost everyone does, you may need to give it a good wash now and again. In this tutorial, learn how to remove germs from your toothbrush, and stay healthier. This video will show you how to use common, natural household items to clean your brush instead of harmful chemicals.
In this tutorial, we learn how to sterilize a sponge with Debbie Anderson. Over time, your sponge can collect a lot of different bacteria, so sterilizing it is very important. You will need: baking soda, vinegar, measuring cups, rubber gloves, and a microwave. First, place a stopper inside of your sink and fill it up half way with hot water and add in 1/2 cup baking soda and 1 cup vinegar. Mix this together with your hands (with gloves on them) and then place the sponges inside. Rinse the...
Fruit flies are nasty little pests, and an infestation—large or small—is an unwelcome sight in the kitchen. Aïda Mollenkamp demonstrates a quick, easy way to lure fruit flies away from your food in this home and garden how-to video.
Fruit flies are an incredible nuisance, as anyone in any warm climate knows all too well. In this video, with Chef Keith Snow of, we learn a simple but effective countermeasure against these aggravating little pests. Most successful, he says, is the use of vinegar.
Are you searching for a homemade cat repellent solution? This article will cover natural indoor and outdoor deterrents for every scenario where cats are causing trouble. The first part will cover home remedies for training cats to stay away from furniture and other restricted areas inside your house. The second part will cover outdoor repellents for keeping cats away from your garden, plants and yard.
Spiders are common pests that typically prefer to live outdoors. However, insects and warmth will eventually attract them into our houses. They like to spin their webs in corners, crevices and unused areas of your house. Most species are harmless and even act as a natural repellent for getting rid of other insects. However, in some cases, spiders can be very dangerous. Whichever the case may be, they are scary and people are always looking for natural ways to get rid of them.
Learn how to hang a picture on a wall with an anchor. This is a great video if you have plaster or a drywall that you need to securely hang a picture on.
Even if you decode the laundry symbols on the tags of your clothes and follow them perfectly, using the washing machine tends to change their shape and fade colors over time. And whether you spent $20 or $200 on them, there's nothing worse than having your favorite pair of jeans ruined.
If you don't have hangers with clips, hanging up jeans and dress pants can be frustrating. They never stay straight and constantly slide off the hangers. You can always MacGyver your own pants hangers by using clothespins, but if you don't have any, there's another way.
Unless your work clothes require dry cleaning, you probably only go to the cleaner a few times a year. And for those few items in your closet for which you do, you have to then find the time and extra budget to make a trip all the way to the cleaners and back again. In the end, it can be quite the hassle.
This video will show you how to fix, repair, replace a broken agitator in your wash machine. If the agitator stopped turning, this is an easy way to fix it.