Many people start their day with a fresh, hot cup of coffee. They purchase their coffee with care and enjoy it greatly. But what do you do with those grounds once you've drunk your coffee? Here are some uses for those used coffee grounds!
This could happen when you trust a guy to hang out wet clothes. Ladies, beware, guys simplify housework simply because they don't care of it's a chore they just don't want. Watch and learn to be creative about the ways you spice your every day chores up. Most of all, laugh your head off.
Why can't all electronic devices be waterproof like my watch? There are watches worth three times as much as my iPhone that I can wear into the hot tub without a worry in the world, but cleaning most of my electronics requires a lot of caution.
Would you like valuable tips on how to get rid of house flies? Everybody has faced a house fly inside their home at some time or another. Having those bothersome creatures buzzing around my household drives me bonkers. This year is without doubt one of the worst that I can remember. You don't have to be a pest control expert to embark on this how-to adventure. If you have house flies that you need to eliminate inside your house or in your backyard, follow the simple measures in this video...
In this tutorial, we learn how to repair carpet burns. First, take some tongues and ruff up the surface to break up the burnt pieces that are inside the carpet. Next, take some Resolve and spray it onto the spot, then brush it with a handheld brush. After this, blot the area with a towel until it's nice and dry. Next, cut out a small piece of spare carpeting and then open up the area that was burnt. Cut it out with scissors, then replace this with the new carpet.
Some of the most effective cleaning products can also be some of the most dangerous. Take bleach, for example. It definitely gets rid of dirt and grime, but it can cause all sorts of health problems—a DIY alternative is much safer.
Frankly, I never cared about the care labels on my clothing. They supposedly held some secret key to keeping clothes clean and bright, but who wants to look at little icons and a bunch of fine print for every single garment they wash?
Bleach is a great product for getting rid of tough stains and disinfecting areas around the house, but the amount of harmful chemicals these products have inside of them is extremely high, as you can probably tell by reading the MSDS for the Clorox brand.
It may seem like a trivial topic, but the majority of people don't use paper towels the proper way (just as they don't crap the proper way). The outcome of this improper usage?
Bedbug victim Mike tells us that even a $200 professional exterminator can not take the bugs off his bed for long. He shows you how you can use the Bedbug Powder to solve the problem of bedbugs for good.
When the time comes to move home, the logistics of moving your belongings can easily become tiresome, tricky and even disastrous. However, with a little careful planning and foresight, the act of packing can be a simple process. The key to getting the most from your move is in efficiency, planning and care. Here, we take a look at the best ways to pack in order to ensure a safe and simple move.
A butcher block table (or counter) is a solid, wooden table. Originating in butcher shops (hence the name), this has become a popular household item. Butcher block tables and counters are durable and attractive looking. The downside of butcher block is that the wood is so porous it can stain easily. Butcher block can be sanded and refinished to get rid of stains, but that drastic step isn't always necessary.
Shopping at a thrift store can be a fun adventure, a daunting task, a way to save money, or a combination of any or all of those. There's no question that buying secondhand is almost always cheaper and buying at a thrift store undoubtedly so. But it can also be a lot of work. Here are a few simple tips to make the process a little easier.
Are you consumed with clutter? Despaired by disorganisation? Or embarrassed by the enormity of it all? The decluttering process starts with three simple questions: Do you love it? Do you need it? Is it useful? If you can’t answer yes to at least one of these questions out it goes!
Need to replace your old door knob? Follow Milan Rosan as he takes you through a step-by-step, do-it-yourself approach to installing your own handle set in your home.
We hang flags to proclaim our patriotic spirit. This is especially true for retired veterans or those who have loved ones serving in the military. Others hang flags representing the seasons, important events, favorite teams or just a cute and whimsical design as decoration. An American flag can be particularly tricky to wash. Red, white and blue all lying together in one inseparable panel can cause the blue or red dye to bleed onto the white. This is not just a problem with an American flag; it...
It happens to the best of us—missing socks. No matter how hard you try, no matter how careful you are when doing laundry, you always end up with that one sock who's lost its soulmate. And what do you usually do with that buddy-less sock? Throw it away? DON'T! This video will gives you some tips on how to keep your socks from disappearing, like A). don't throw away your sock because you might find its missing mate later, and B). roll your socks to keep you from losing one when not in the laundry...
Frustrated with blankets and sheets that bunch up around the corners? This tutorial shows you how to make perfectly square corners (or hospital corners) on your bed. It doesn't matter what size mattress or sheet you have, this technique will work on any bed.
Have you seen commercials on TV for vacuum sealed storage bags? They can be expensive, but you can replicate this space age technology in your own home! All you need is a water bottle, some trash bags, a box cutter... and a vacuum!
If you've been letting your snail mail pile up for days on end, there's an easy solution that won't cost you anything. Just rummage around your house and find some wall hooks or binder clips, and start sorting away. You'll be surprised at how much more organized this method is!
With a few hosting tips, you will perfect your Thanksgiving season! This craft shows you how to make some elegant place cards, some easy and beautiful napkin rings, and custom-made deocrative candles. Be the perfect host or hostess this Thanksgiving season!
Don't let your window pane become a window pain in the ass to look at. Windows should give us clear views of the beautiful world outside, but without regular maintence they can become splotchy and muddled. Check out this video for a quick way to clearn your windows.
We all know how it goes: We purchase a bundle of new binders for our classes, get entranced by some cute kawaii stickers, and plaster these little babies all over our binders. And then, approximately two months later, we question why we ever did such a thing and want them off.
Did you accidentally drop your favorite Star Wars mug on the kitchen floor? Don't lament your cruel fate and sweep the mug pieces up to toss in the trash can; instead, just glue it back together.
In this video from DiscountTrendsetter we learn how to organize your closet! First take inventory of what you have an eliminate items you don't need. Place items such as oversized t-shirts in a drawer or in a bag. Keep your closet for your trendy stuff. Items that are ripped, torn, bleached, etc, get rid of them. Items that are still trendy, but you know you won't wear again, get rid of as well! If you haven't worn something in 2 years, give that item away! Now what you have left are the...
This is a video tutorial in the Home & Garden category where you are going to learn how to preserve and clean your antique silver. Tony Duke shows a fast and effective way to clean heavily soiled silver ware. Put the silverware in to the "silver dip" fluid and leave it for about 35 to 45 seconds. You will see that it is cleaning. Because it is a liquid, it gets in to the nooks and corners of the silverware and cleans them. Take it out of the liquid and wash it. You then got to polish it with...
There is no one way to remove gum. Depending on the type of gum and where it's stuck - the carpet versus your shirt, for instance - you may need to enlist a different method for each to remove the gum.
Is your garage a little more cluttered than it should be? Well, it's time to get organized! And Lowe's is here to help! In this video, Mike Kraft gives some great tips for shaping up your garage or basement, in a neat and organized room that you can finally walk through.
Like having a clean home but wish there were a faster way to tidy it up? This clip from Good Housekeeping will teach you a number of useful, time-saving shortcuts certain to help. For all of the details, and to get started incorporating these tips into your own cleaning routines, take a look.
Need some help figuring out how to deal with a cockroach problem? Let this video be your guide. Getting rid of cockroaches is easier than you'd think! It's so easy, in fact, that this clip can present a complete overview in about two minutes' time. For all of the details, and to get started dealing with your own roach problem, watch this video guide.
Need some help figuring out how to deal with an ant problem? Let this video be your guide. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that this clip can present a complete overview in about two minutes' time. For all of the details, and to get started dealing with your own ant problem, watch this video guide.
Having a wasp problem? Take action and get rid of them. This video guide from Mahalo will help you to determine how serious the problem is, whether you should take action at all, and what sort of action you should take if you do elect to do something.
In this tutorial, we learn how to organize your closet by establishing a wardrobe system. If you have tops that you wear during the day, put these on a different colored hanger than your nighttime tops. Color code these in your closet and then hang up your nighttime tops with a light wood or your choice hanger. If you have other random tops, you can hang them according to how you would wear them the most. Dresses can be hung on another color hanger and then pants can be worn on another color as...
In this tutorial, we learn how to prevent mice from living in your house. To start, you will need to inspect around your home and see if there are any holes that mice can get in and out of. Also, look for signs of their waste laying around. Get on the roof and make sure it's secure, with no holes in it where mice can get into your attic. If there are small holes, cover them up using small pieces of wire that they cannot push their way through. After you do this, your home will be safe from mice...
In this tutorial, we learn how to do laundry at home. To start, you will need to set your washer to the right settings. Go with the one that works the best for you and the size/color of laundry you're going to do. Turn off the extra rinse you're doing and turn on the cold rinse because it will save you hot water. From here, pour in your soap and place your clothes in. Then, turn it on by pulling the button. Once your clothes are finished washing, put them in the dryer. Then, clean the lint trap...
If you've been wondering how to clean your silver, this video will show you a simple way to do it using products you have laying around. To do this, you will need baking soda, aluminum foil, hot water, and your dirty silver of course. First heat up water so it's close to boiling, not just hot water from the sink. Pour this into a large bowl to fit your silver, then grab sheets of heavy duty foil. Place the foil into the large bowl along with a few cups of baking soda. After this, place your...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make homemade laundry detergent. To make this, you will need: 6 c water, 1/3 bar grated laundry soap, 1/2 c washing soda, and 1/2 c borax. To start, you will heat up the water and the soap in a large pan until it's all dissolved. Then, you will stir in the rest of the ingredients and mix until it's all dissolved as well. From here, boil the mixture for 15 minutes and then remove from the heat. Then, you will add this to cold water so you have 2 gallons of soap....
Glue is one of the worst things that you can get on your clothes. It sticks to most things and fabric is no exception. Watch this video to learn how to get glue stains out of any type of clothing.
If you don't spend the time cleaning your house regularly to keep it within reach of clean all the time and you need it to be clean fast, watch this video. It will teach you how to quickly and effectively fake clean a house if your parents, significant other, or other figure your want to impress is coming over.