Housekeeping How-Tos

How To: Fix a sticky cast iron pan

If your cast iron pan is sticky, you will need to place the pan on top of the stove. Turn the heat on high for 30 seconds to less than one minute. Then, turn it down to medium heat. This will loosen up the oil. Then, you'll need to buff out the creases and the spots. Place a little oil in the pan, approximately 1 tablespoon. Spread the oil around with a paper towel. Continue smoothing the pan. You may need to get a new paper towel, if it gets to hot.

How To: Make your own laundry soap

In this tutorial, we learn how to make laundry soap. First, grate soap up into a large bowl. After this, pour the soap into a large pot. Add in 6 c water, then heat this up on medium heat for 40 minutes, not letting the soap boil. Next, add in washing soda and borax into the pot and mix together until well combined and dissolved. By now, the heat should be off so the mixture doesn't come to a boil. Now, dump your mixture into a large bucket and then add in 1.5 gallons of water. Over time, thi...

How To: Use natural products to clean your home without toxins

We all want to spic and span our kitchen countertops, our tile floors, and our bathrooms. But for the most part we can bet you've been unwittingly using storebought detergent cleaners or bleach. While these cleaners are in fact excellent at removing grime and buffing your dirty floors to a Midas touch perfection, they also come filled to the brim with known cancer-causing agents, synthetic chemicals, and other gnarly, hard to pronounce crap.

How To: Fold a towel the correct way

Folding a towel might not seem that hard, but there are those out there hay have never done. Those are the type of people that throw their clean clothes directly on the ground, right next to their dirty clothes. They've never heard of "folding". But eventually, they'll need to acquire the skill. And the perfect start… towels. This video shows you the precise steps to folding a towel the correct way. Watch and learn. And put your clothes away!

How To: Clean and repair gutters with Lowe's

In this tutorial, we learn how to clean and repair gutters with Mike Kraft. Damaged gutters can mean leaking roofs with water dripping everywhere. To fix this, you will need: buckets, a shovel, gutter sealant, a trowel, wire hooks, garden hose, nozzle, and gloves. First, place your ladder up to your house so you can easily reach the gutters, being careful not to touch any electrical wires. Next, clean the debris out of the gutter with the trowel and place into a plastic bucket. When finished,...

How To: Deal with bed bugs in college

In this tutorial, we learn how to deal with bed bugs in college. There is no treatment for bed bugs, you just have to get rid of where they are living. If you suspect they are in sheets, blankets or clothes, you must wash these in extremely hot water or freeze them for 24 hours. Don't share grooming products or headphones, because these can transfer head lice from person to person. You can also get body lice that spread from clothing and feed on your skin. Pubic lice comes from sexual contact...

How To: Use old tennis balls

Tennis balls aren't just for playing tennis, so when you are getting ready to trash those tennis balls… DON'T. There are many different uses you can find for them, from donating them to fluffing up laundry. Recycle them using these 7 helpful tips.

How To: Polish aluminum

Aluminum isn't one of the prettiest of metals, but it's actually one of the easiest to keep clean, if you know what to do. If your aluminum is looking tarnished, try this quick solution to revitalizing the glare. Mix equal parts water and cream of tartar and apply with a rag. Shiny!

How To: Extend the life of a steel wool pad

Steel wool can be used from a ton of things, like creating fire, but the main use of steel wool pads is cleaning. They're great for getting things spotless that can handle the rough abrasiveness of the material. But what if your steel wool has gone rusty? Instead of instantly buying new ones, next time, wrap it in foil and stick it in the freezer after using it, and it won't corrode. Nice!

How To: Pack pots and pans for storage or movement

Moving is such a hassle! Packing is a big job but this video shows and easy way to pack out pots and pans. You will need 4-5 cubit foot cartons. You can get these from your mover or you can purchase them from a moving company. You will also want to get clean newsprint, packing tape, a moving blanket, and a permanent ink marker. Prepare your 4-5 foot carton by putting crushed paper on the bottom. This will act as a cushion for the pots and pans. Put the moving blanket or a protected pad on the...

How To: Remove blood stains from fabric

Johnathan E. Stewart shows us how to remove blood stains from fabric in this tutorial. Your first step right after blood gets on your clothes is to rinse it with warm water and pat a wash cloth with soap and water on it. If the stain is more set in, grab hydrogen peroxide, soap, and water, then mix together and pat onto the stain. If all else fails, you can use ammonia with water on the stain. When you're finished cleaning the stain, throw it into the washer immediately, with stain remover mi...

How To: Pack glass for storage or moving

In this video, we learn how to properly pack glass for moving. Make sure you have a table or work area that has a furniture pad on it. Now, place packing paper onto the bottom of a box carton for glasses and china. Glass should be on the top of the box while plates should be placed at the bottom. Put the glasses into a rolled piece of paper until secured, then place upside down into the box. When finished, add crushed paper to the top of the first layer to avoid any glass from breaking. Make ...

How To: Keep dust to a minimum in your home

In this video, we learn how to keep dust to a minimum in your home. First, keep an eye on your furnace and make sure that when you are doing home repairs, it doesn't get onto your furnace. Also, make sure your filters throughout the home are clean or replaced very often, especially while you are doing home projects. Also, keep windows closed, especially while it's windy outside, because this can let dust enter your home easily. You should also avoid extra aggressive sweeping, because this can...

How To: Pack lamp shades for storage or moving

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to pack lampshades. Most lampshades are packed into 4 cu ft cartons. Begin by placing crushed paper into the bottom of the box. Then place clean sheets of packing paper over each side of the box, making sure that the flaps and inside wall of the box is covered. Now carefully place the lampshade top-down into the box. Then spread clean packing paper over the shade. Now gently place the smaller shade into the larger shade and pack in the remaining packi...

How To: Wash bras and panties

The most used and most washed articles of clothing are undergarments. Underwear, specifically bras and panties, are in desperate need of attention after each and every use. They're not like a pair of jeans, wearing them twice in a row is not a good idea, nor clean. Shabby’s not chic when it comes to lingerie. Use a little extra care to keep your lace and silk bras and panties looking good.

How To: Polish gold

Are your gold necklaces looking dull? Are your gold earrings looking slightly faded? Restore your beautiful gold items with a little trick, with no special cleaner to buy! If you want your gold to glitter, polish it with toothpaste, rinse it off, then use a dry rag to buff it to a shine! Ta-ta tarnish!

How To: Make an safe edible household cleaner with Jenny Jones

In this tutorial, talk show host Jenny Jones shows you how to make a totally edible cleaning solution that is great around the house. The best part is that this is totally safe for kids and pets and can be used for so many different things. Jenny will also show you how to make a dispenser so that it is easier to keep this cleaner around the house and use it. Check it out!

How To: Eliminate refrigerator smells

Is your roommate's food always in the fridge longer than it should be? Is their meat rotting, forcing you to take care of it? Living with other people can be a pain, especially when it comes to the one place that you all share— the refrigerator. Keep your sanity and senses by transforming your funky smelling fridge into a pleasant aroma of charcoal...

How To: Organize a refrigerator

Is your fridge getting out of control? Can't identify that raunchy smell that has invaded your ice box? Can't find your ketchup? The best way to alleviate these problems is by organization. Organizing and keeping your fridge tidy is the best way to go, but it could be hard in a roommate situation where one said roommate will never give a damn. Nonetheless… chill out! Use these helpful tips to get your refrigerator organized.

How To: Deep-clean your carpet

When you clean the carpet in your home or apartment, it seems like that dirt just comes right back the next day. It's never really clean. Well, that could be changed with a deeper clean. Deep-cleaning your carpet can offer benefits including getting rid of dust mites and allergens. Not to mention dirt.

How To: Get more storage in your garage

If you're having a problem with storage and are looking for a quick and easy solution, this tutorial may be what you're looking for. In this video, instead of taking a long time to go out and build your own storage from nails and wood, you can easily take a few minutes to put something together that is sure to help. So check out the video on how to get more storage in your garage. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Prepare your home for the winter months

If you live in an area where the winter months can leave a toll on your home, it's important to prepare before the first drop of snow hits. This is important because not only will you have a home that is safe for you and others to live in, but it will also make sure that you don't have to worry about paying for damages to your home afterwards.

How To: Unclog a toilet in 11 seconds like a pro plumber

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to unclog a toilet in 11 seconds. Users will need a plunger. It is recommended to use a pleaded plunger, instead of the regular plunger. When clogging a toilet, the rubber of the plunger is filled up with water, pushed down and squeezes out the pressurized water. The force from the pressured water will remove the clogging of the toilet. Slowly place the plunger into the water and let it be filled with water. Align it with the toilet hole and then push...

How To: Get rid of pests in your home and yard

In this tutorial, Lisa Quinn tells us how to get rid of pests in the home. First, walk around your home and look around the foundation to see if there are any big crack or crevices on the foundation. To solve this, go to the hardware store and grab some caulk to fill in any cracks. Next, check your windows to make sure they don't have any cracks in them, if they do, fill it in with weather stripping. Now, go into your kitchen and cabinets and make sure your pantry is free of crumbs and your c...

How To: Sterilize a Sponge

In this tutorial, we learn how to sterilize a sponge with Debbie Anderson. Over time, your sponge can collect a lot of different bacteria, so sterilizing it is very important. You will need: baking soda, vinegar, measuring cups, rubber gloves, and a microwave. First, place a stopper inside of your sink and fill it up half way with hot water and add in 1/2 cup baking soda and 1 cup vinegar. Mix this together with your hands (with gloves on them) and then place the sponges inside. Rinse the spo...

How To: Unclog Your Toilet the Right Way

Stephanie and Julie teach us how to unclog a toilet the correct way in this video. First, remember to turn the valve off on your water that goes to your toilet. This will help prevent unwanted floods in your bathroom. You will also need a plunger, making sure to take the lip out for better suction. After you stick the plunger into the toilet, plunge rapidly around twelve times. If this doesn't work, try adding more water and plunging again for around twelve times. If it still doesn't work, yo...

How To: Make doing laundry easy

When doing the laundry, it's always important to know exactly what you should and shouldn't do. Knowing how to do things right can not only improve the overall look and feel of your clothes, but extend the life of them as well. So in this tutorial, you'll learn a few tips for making laundry more easier for you and others. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Recycle a cardboard box into a shirt dispenser

In this clip, learn how to turn a normal cardboard box into a shirt dispenser. Do you have a lack of closet space? Perfect! Are your shirts always wrinkled and never folded when you need them? No problem! This invention will keep your clothes neat, organized and save a ton of space. Best of all, you can ditch the box when you are done with it!

How To: Organize your jewelry drawer

Over time, jewelry drawers can become cluttered and messy, making it difficult to get things out piece by piece. So in this tutorial, you'll find out how to organize your jewelry drawer making life easier for you throughout the day. So check it out, good luck and enjoy!

How To: Maximize suitcase space when packing

Traveling can be a fun and eventful experience for you and family members. But something that can be a bit of a pain is the idea of packing and unpacking. Many people tend to throw things in there because it's easy to do. But this can result in wrinkled clothing as well as a suitcase that isn't being used properly. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to maximize your suitcase space when packing. This will not only result in more space, but nicer looking clothes. So good luck and enjoy!

How To: Get rid of gnats with some vinegar

Gnats are disgusting little bugs that make life a living hell on Earth. When surrounded by an entire swarm of them, they can be around your face , going inside your nose, ears, mouth and be really big pests for such tiny insects. This tutorial will show you how to get rid of the gnats using some vinegar. So sit back and enjoy!

How To: Organize your home office in 2 hours or less

Tidy desk, tidy mind. In this fifteen-minute housekeeper's how-to, Allison Carter, the Professional Organizer, demonstrates how to make over a messy home office in just two hours. For more information, including step-by-step breakdown of how to tackle the cleaning process, and to get started straightening up your own cluttered home den or office, watch this video guide. Organize your home office in 2 hours or less.

How To: Remove rust easily

Over time, rust can develop on pots and pans if they're not used for a certain period of time. Rust can also develop on other items as well, if they not taken care of properly. This can hurt any possibly resale value of the item and can look ugly. So in this tutorial, you'll find out what items are needed in order to remove rust. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Remove the odor of garlic from your fingers

Garlic is a delicious, salubrious and stinky vegetable. Learn how to remove its garlicky stench from your hands with this handy video tutorial, which suggets, among other things, using lemon juice to get rid of the unwanted odor. For specifics, and to get started cleaning your own hands, watch this handy how-to.