When the word "cleaning" pops into your head, you immediately groan or say "I don't want to do this" or some other complain. In this article you will find several ways to make cleaning fun for you.
Invite friends to come and help you! Cleaning is always more fun when you have someone to do it with, and it doesn't last as long.
Sing or play music as you clean! You could dance when you are cleaning.
Have a bin handy, so you don't have to walk far.
Set a timer and stop every 10 or 15 minutes to have a snack or a rest.
Listen to an iPod, your mobile, or a radio to keep you entertained.
Play a cleaning game with your friends! i.e.: Tell your friend to close their eyes, tidy an object up, and your friend guesses what's missing or try to shoot items into a bin from a distance.
Make your bed first because it already makes your room look cleaner.
If you have to clean more than one room then after you finish one room ask someone if it looks good. If they say yes then usually you'll get into the cleaning mode.
Many people get less and less motivated during cleaning. Eat a little of your favorite food or decorate your forehead with stickers; something to keep yourself from stopping.
pretend your on a gameshow: set a timer and see how mych stuff you can pick up in the alotted time!
- Add your own ideas to make it even more fun!
- Don't whine for a long time complaining so you can enjoy later.
- Don't get lazy and stop halfway with a pile of laundry to do or something undone.
- Don't make your room messier!
- Be careful and don't step on anything sharp you put on the floor while putting things away.
- Never watch television or go on the computer whilst tidying because you end up sitting down when something gets interesting, and then you cant be bothered to get up again. So your room will never get tidied.
Things You'll Need
- A bin and/or bag
- A friend
- A CD or radio
- Storage boxes
- Vacuum cleaner
- Polish
- Feather duster
- Water with washing up liquid and a cloth
- A positive attitude
- Reward Items (Optional)
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