Take the sheet and fold one corner into the other corner. Now spread the sheet flatly on the floor with its corner in the other corner. Take one side and put it inside the other side.It should give the direction like a square.Then fold it in to two and then into two again. There you go you have folded a sheet into a beautiful position like a pro.
If you've gone through one too many dust mops then you might want to try preserving your new dust mop. By placing a stocking over the mop portion you will be able to keep this mop looking newer for a longer amount of time. New dust mop? Put an old stocking over it when you use it and will stay clean. Pristine!
-It is very important that you choose the right counter top. Although granite and marble may look good, they are not kind to the environment because they are mine deep out of the Earth.-If you want the look of granite and the durability of marble, there is a green option.-This type of counter top is made out of recycled glass and concrete, they are radon free and emit zero VOCs.-VOC= Volatile Organic Compounds-To keep them clean you will want a microfiber towel.-Just spray plain water on the...
In this video, Jennifer Taggart Of Healthy Child Healthy World shows us how to make a non-toxic disinfecting cleaner. You can use this cleaner for almost any surface in your home. What you'll need is a re-purpose spray bottle, some castile soap, some tea tree oil, and water. For the water, it's preferable to use distilled water, but you don't have to. The distilled water ensures there's no bacteria or anything in it. First, if you're re-using a spray bottle make sure it's clean. Add 2 cups of...
This video demonstrates how to fold a fitted bed sheet neatly. For this, first spread the bed sheet on a flat surface like a bed. The outside of the bed sheet should be facing down and the inside should be facing up. Make sure all the corners are visible. First take the right corner over your hand like a puppet with the inside facing out. Then take the left corner over your hand in the same manner with the inside facing down. Repeat the same with the other two corners of the bed sheet. Once you...
This video shows how to clean a stained washing machine. Stains are typically caused by brown dirty water in the washing machine. Water is usually brown because it contains high levels of iron. The narrator demonstrates a product called CLR, which can be purchased at Home Depot. It is a product designed to remove iron and lime. He shows how to apply a small amount of the product with a sponge to the inside tub of the machine. He advises to let it soak for about 5 minutes. He then wipes the...
You are great at throwing a party but how are you at hiding the evidence? All you have to do is be good and thorough at house cleaning with maybe a knack for stain removal. The trick is to dispose of party trash far away.
Educational Specialist, Jennifer Taggard shows her viewers a very easy and accurate process to making non-toxic flea killer. This flea killer will not harm children in a household or any dog being treated. To make the flea killer, 1/2 of a cup of baking soda and half of a teaspoon of orange essential oil was used. The two ingredients were mixed together and simply applied and rubbed into the dog.
The top flaps on the cereal box should already be open. Then you must open the flaps on the bottom of the cereal box (the side parallel to the opening) and flatten it. Now use the creases made by the corners of the box and fold them inward; it should be flat again. Fold it length wise thus leaving a little rectangle of the flattened box that is not overlapped by the other half of the flattened box. Tax this tab and insert it into the opening in the adjacent half of the cereal box. Your cereal...
To organize the closet you have to start with the donate or keep principle. Start your piles and get rid of the stuff that you no longer need. You can also have a "can't decide" pile that you put somewhere until you decide but the general rule is, if you haven't used it in a year you probably never will. There are six areas in a closet. First is short hang. It is the most common and includes shirts, blouses, and folded pants. Short hang can be hung in one level or double hang levels. Hangers...
This video shows the way to fold a fitted sheet for maximum storage. Folding a sheet can save a lot of storage space. The time taken for folding the sheet is less than the time taken for searching through unfolded sheets to find the right match. Start by holding the sheet lengthwise with the right side towards your body. Fold corner number one over corner number two. Slide down the edges and tuck corner number three and four in. Straighten the edges and place it on the table. Fold the sheet in...
Fitted sheets can be quite a hassle if you are unsure how to tame the elastic edging and odd form. Cure Wrinkles, with Erin Bried, teaches you how to fold a fitted sheet correctly. Start by having the sheet inside out and place one hand in one of the corners and the other hand in the corner closet to the first corner. Then put one of your corners into the other corner so that one hand has two corners and the other is free. Watch the rest of the video to learn how to turn that clump of a sheet...
Tired of static cling? You can make your very own dryer balls that will prevent your clothes from having static clean and it only takes some yarn and pantyhose. You can even make scented dryer balls using this method.
Remove all those dust mites and pet dander from your pillows on a regular basis with a good wash in hot water. Pillows can be a little trickier to wash than other linens so keep you pillows fresh and new by following proper washing instructions.Pillows should be washed every three to six months to remove bacteria, mold, and odors. These helpful steps will demonstrate the right way to do it.
Are you tired of your bed sheets looking like a crumpled mess? How does something this simple turn into something so difficult to achieve properly? Learn how to fold your bed linens neatly and without unsightly creases. The easy to understand video will turn you into a household ace! It will show you secrets to the easiest and most painless ways to keep your bed linens neat, folded, and organized, without tearing your hair out! Learn how to tame the largest sheets with ease. You'll always have...
In this video Wally Makowsky from Coin Laundry Association shows you how to remove stains with strong solvents. Drop off laundry services use various strong solvents for cleaning stains but Wally Makowsky gives two recommendations. One is Laundry Wetspo which is an excellent general solvent. It can remove lipstick, paint, shoe polish, inks and regular food stains. The other recommendation is yellow go laundry which removes similar stains. Out of the two recommended methods, Laundry Wetspo is...
The following are the steps to be followed to organize a linen closet:1. First, you need to clear a work space. This works really well because you need to remove the contents from the linen closet.2. Empty the linen closet. Clean the shelves because it becomes easy to clean the closet when it is empty.3. Fold every thing neatly and it is good to fold the corners into themselves. Now separate the linens and towels.4. Categorize the linens. It is good to organize the linens room wise.The table...
It's frustrating trying to cut with a pair of dull scissors. Make sure you have a good time in the kitchen by sharpening your shears. Just stack several pieces of aluminum foil and cut through them with your scissors to get those blades sharp.
Removing the gunk from a gutter but with proper methodically will ensure a clean job and keep you safe while doing activity on top of a ladder. Don't let this chore get you down, with a little work you'll have free flowing gutters all season.
Solutionsbyscott teaches you how to organize and declutter your closet. You start out by taking all of your clothes out of the closet first. You then place them in piles of things you wear daily, things you only wear sometimes and things you don't need anymore. You have to be honest in order to make room in your closet. Now you only have one horizontal pole for hanging clothes. To make more room you elevate the first pole and add a second one. Now you have doubled the space in your original...
Artificial flowers are a wonderful way to add joy and color to your home without the cost or mess of freshly cut flowers. They don't need to be watered but they can get dusty. Keep your artificial flowers shining brightly with this simple trick.
This video demonstrates the process for organizing your garage. The video interviews an employee from The Container Store which offers organizational products for every room in the house. They stress that organizing a garage is not a one day project. The Container Store recommends taking three full weekends to organize a garage, start out by focusing on one wall at a time. Labeling is a big part of The Container Store's organizational plan, everything has its own place with a label. The labels...
This video is a crash course presented by Murphy, Sam and Jodi on how to fold a fitted sheet for neater storage. The guy presenting the video picks up a fitted sheet and shows you how your fitted sheet usually ends up - like a ball in your closet. He then takes you through the steps to fold it neatly. First you have to take the long side of the sheet and put your hands inside the cover on the sheet edges. Next, stretch your hands with the plain side of the sheet facing outside. When you have...
This video describes how to make a cheap and effective furniture polish from scratch. To start, you should find some sort of dispenser to put the polish in. The video suggests an oil and vinegar dispenser because it works effectively with the furniture polish. Put a funnel in the container to make pouring easier, and add 1/4 cup of organic olive oil (make sure it is organic for cleaning). Then add 1/4 cup of vinegar and 20-30 drops of essential oil. The olive oil will keep the wood looking...
Those smooth oval shells just seem to jump right out of your hands. When an egg hits the floor it is a gooey mess but not need to use an entire roll of paper towels trying to pick up the pieces. Cover with salt and the mess and be swept up after only a few minutes.
Ever have trouble folding your sheets perfectly? Well follow along as we are given quick and simple instructions on how to fold a traditional fitted sheet like an expert.
Show your antique porcelain and pottery a little TLC. Spruce up your favorite antiques with these safe cleaning techniques. Remove the dirt and let the beauty of porcelain and history shine through. Just because your pottery is old, doesn't mean in needs to look like it came out of a tomb.
We can't actually lighten you load but we can make it seem that way. This simple trick of stacking your heavy box on top of an empty box will make it feel lighter. Moving a heavy box is a unpleasant so try this fun trick.
Next time you don't want to make your bed, dry the dishes or clean the house there's no need to feel guilty. You may be doing yourself a favor. There are legitimate scientific reasons why some chores aren't always the best health choice.
No need to go on living one more day with a dirty couch. It's a good idea to thuroughly clearn your couch to remove any seen or unseen dirt. Include a good couch cleaning on your next chore wheel and see if you notice the difference.
Grab your long-handled wooden spoon and let's get to bed making. There is a science in making the immaculate and consistent military-style bed. Use this method at home and know that your making your bed just like soldiers do every day.
A clogged drain is not only an unpleasant but seems to happen at the most inconvenient time. Good thing there is a simple way to unclog most minor stoppages with a few household products. Be your own plumber and keep those drains free and flowing.
We have all had a sticker stuck on something that just will not come off. No need you scrape all day. Use a handy science trick and apply some heat to loosen up the adhesive and remove that unwanted sticker.
Learn how to remove marks from your stainless steel appliances using olive oil. 1 Apply a little bit of olive oil to a clean rag and rub the olive oil all over your stainless steel appliance. 2 Fold the rag in half. Make sure that there is no olive oil on the exposed part of the rag. 3 Pour white vinegar onto the rag. 4 Rub the white vinegar soaked rag onto the appliance to remove the olive oil. 5 Using a clean rag, remove all residue from the appliance and let dry.
Here you will learn how to pack clothes and drapes for storage or moving. Follow these easy steps to pack clothes and drapes the right way. Hanging clothing or drapes need to be packed in a standup wardrobe. This box comes with an aluminum bar that spans two sides. Place the wardrobe box near the closet. Secure the bar with packing tape and place clean paper at the bottom of the box. Hang clothing, distributing them evenly. You can also place quilts, and bedspreads on hangers. When you are...
Bob Schmidt from Home Remodel Workshop teaches how to remove persistent carpet stains. Clean up the source of the stain as quickly as possible. Once the source of the stain is removed, mix one teaspoon of dish detergent with a cup of hot water. Pour the mixture on the stain. Soak clean rags in a bucket of hot water and place them over the spot. Place a hot iron over the rags and force steam into the carpet.
This video is a tutorial on how to remove blood stains on the carpet. The first step is to mix 1 teaspoon of dish detergent with a cup of water in a spray bottle. Spray your mixture on the stain and blot gently with a rag. Be careful not to soak the stain so it doesn't go through to the other side of the carpet. The second step is to mix 1 teaspoon of ammonia with a cup of water in a spray bottle. Once again, spray onto the stain and blot gently until the stain is gone. The third step is to use...
Profisher has a rather unique method of ridding your kitchen of fruit flies. Make sure you start this after you have cleared your countertops of all food. Place any kind of juicy fruit on foil on the open rack of your oven. Leave open overnight. In the morning, close the oven door, set the temperature to 400 degrees and flies will be no more! This can, additionally, be performed in the microwave oven. Set plate of fresh fruit in the open microwave for about an hour. Close the door and set timer...
This how-to video from Lowe's demonstrates how to install a closet organization system. He explains that the first step is to clean out the closet and take inventory of the items that go in the closet, then choose what type of racks, shelving and bins will work for your space. He explains the options and shows wire and laminate components, and encourages the viewers to take measurements to create a design based on their needs. Using this advice and the materials available at Lowe's, along...
The best way to clean a hardwood floor is to make sure that you don't use excessive moisture. For the actual process, you should just get a dry mop. You should try to make sure that your hardwood floor never gets wet at all. In the event that someone steps on your floor with their muddy shoes, damp mopping is the way to go about dealing with that. Even if it looks messy, it is better not to douse the floor; the moisture seeps between the cracks in the boards and gets underneath it, doing damage...
AskAuntPattie is providing you with some how-to tips when it comes to cleaning your hardwood floors. Use a microfiber pad to dry dust on your floor. There are all different sizes of pads for your needs. You should clean the floor as often as you like. You can test your floor with a mineral smear. Yellow residue is wax finish. Clean smears are polyurethane. If you have a wax floor you should use a base wax. For a polyurethane floor use a type of floor wax from a good company. Go to a place that...
Using simple materials in most any home, this video provides a novel solution to fruit flies in your compost pail. Composting is a great idea, but if you are not careful, the fruit flies will start to take over and you'll wish you had never started. But this simple idea will keep you composting without the bugs! Starting with a large container from something like a peanut butter jar, you can cut out a large hole and secure a scouring pad to the underside of the lid. Then, place the lid on...
Back again with another in their great informational series for do it yourselves at home, Lowe's presents this video hosted by Mike Kraft demonstrating how to pressure wash your home's exterior siding. Mike describes in detail the tools, supplies, and steps you will need to take to remove dirt, mildew and mold from your home's exterior. Experienced do it yourselves and beginners alike will appreciate the detail and tips provided in this video, as well as some useful safety tips on using your...
Cleaning gutters is really not that hard. Get out your ladder and position it so that you can reach the gutters. Start by removing all the big stuff such as twigs and bigger sticks that have gotten into the gutter. These bigger items can be removed with your hands. What is left can be pretty yucky? There is a mud like substance that is made up of water, decomposing leaves, newer leaves, and smaller sticks that you won't want to touch. So use a scoop made out of a mild container that is cut in...
This video explains two different ways to remove wax from candles left on furniture. Both heat and cold are used to accomplish the removal of wax. Heat generally from a hair dryer will provide enough heat to remelt the wax without damaging wood furniture. Ice or even a pack of frozen vegetables is suggested when using the cold method since it makes the wax brittle and easy to remove. These are two great ways to remove wax from wooden furniture without damaging the furniture itself.
Learn how to make your own homemade cleaning wipes and save money with this video tutorial. You will need a roll of paper, 2-3 cups of you favorite cleaner, and a storage container with a lid, a cutting board, and a knife. Cut the paper towel role in half using only one half now. Put the half paper towel roll in the container and soak with the cleaner. Remove the cardboard from the center of the roll and the cleaning wipes will be pulled out from the center of the roll.
This video chronicles various ways to scent your home. First of all, you can use scented candles. However, if you do not wish to constantly burn your candles and would like to avoid the risk of fire, you can use a candle warmer to just warm your candle, which also is effective in spreading the scent. Oil warmers may also be used to heat up scented oils that will fill up and scent your room. Using the many different techniques outlined in this video, you should be sure to create a nice,...
Ron Hazelton shows you an easy an effective way to wash windows. In a warm bucket of water you add one tablespoon of dishwashing solution, a scrubber with sleeve is used to apply the solution to the window, and dried with a professional quality squeegee. Each step is shown and explained in full detail to ensure the best possible completed outcome. After watching this video and walking yourself through the steps a few times you can wash a good sized window in about a minute.
A disorganized closet can slow down your mornings. Clean out your dirty storage space with the help of this instructional video. Follow along with such tips as tossing out unused clothing, and establishing a systematic wardrobe catalog.
When you are using garlic or cooking with it, getting the smell of garlic off your hands can be really tricky. Washing your hands will not to the job by itself. The next time you are using garlic and want to get rid of that smell, wash your hands thoroughly with both soap and water, and then rub them against the stainless steel faucet because the metal with neutralize the odor from your hands and get rid of the smell.
Have you ever wondered how to tie a slip knot on your grocery bags? When we go to the grocery store, the clerks always tie the bags in a carrying knot. With this easy to follow video, tying these knots is made easy. Knots always seem perplexing, but now they are easy to do. This is a must watch video for anyone who goes shopping.
Do you win the prize for messiest room in America? That's a difficult contest, but how about messiest room in your house? It's time to clean your room, so do a good job in the shortest amount of time and get your parents off your back.
Have some dirty silver laying around the house? Not sure how to get that sterling silver sparkling like it's brand new? Use this easy method to clean tarnished silver.
Do you have a problem with flies and you're not sure how to get rid of them? In this video, learn how to make a homemade fly trap to get rid of those pesky insects with wings! If you have too many flies buzzing around your house, here's a quick way to make an inexpensive fly trap.
Looking for a way to save on your energy bills at home? How about line drying your clothes? According to the Energy Information Agency, clothes dryers account for 5.8 percent of home electricity usage. Line-dry your washed clothes and linens to keep them from wearing out, and save money on your energy bill at the same time.
Bed bugs come out and suck your blood in the middle of the night. ThermaPure can get rid of bed bugs in a safe manner. ThermaPure uses probes to heat up the areas of the house such as the bedding, carpets, and wall voids, to a temperature that will kill the bed bugs. The ThermaPure heater is programmable which allows for a precise duration and electrical current needed to rid your house of bed bugs. ThermaPure is a green technology and will not harm you in the process of ridding your home of...
Bed Bug control for luggage is the best way to protect your luggage from infestation. What you will do is, open your luggage and any zippers you may have on your luggage and spray it down the best you can. You will want to spray the seams and any closed area inside and outside you luggage. You should also spray down your handle and wheels (if available). Bed bug control will keep the germs from different hotels or any where you travel, so that it doesn't follow you back home.
It's looking like heat is the safest and greenest way to deal with a bug problem. The KTLA Morning News (Los Angeles) did a series of segments on this new development with host of the Discovery Channel's Verminators Show, Mike Masterson. ThermaPure is being demonstrated, as are some bed bug sniffing dogs that Masterson's company, Isotech, uses.